Mimosa United Church

Mimosa United Church in daylight Mimosa United Church Sanctuary Mimosa United Church Front Doors

Our Mission

We are a small rural Christian community striving to share our faith, friendship, fun, music, and other talents with any and all who wish to join us. We believe in expressing our faith as action by supporting, helping, welcoming newcomers, and striving always to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Our United Church congregation celebrates our Christion faith through scriptures, music, and joy. Our faith is extended to the community at large through outreach as we unite our talents to offer help and support. We welcome new friends and families to our congregation to share in our fellowship and laughter.

Our History

Mimosa United Church came together in 1925, through a union of Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches in the area.

"We are not alone," is the first line of "A New Creed," one of our statements of belief. We are a welcoming people of all backgrounds and orientations - wherever you are on your faith journey.